Reminder to New Families With Children Starting During the Summer Session:
We are hosting an Open House today from 2-4pm to provide additional comfort tours to new families with children who will be starting during the Summer Session which begins on Tuesday, May 31st.
Please feel free to stop by the school to ask questions, drop off required health forms and paperwork, and help your child to feel more comfortable in their new environment.
Also, please remember that if your child is a new student (not a current student) beginning during summer session, the school must recieve required paperwork no later than this Wednesday (May 25th) for your child to start next week. Turning in paperwork after this date will result in a late start date for your child. Please contact our office if you have additional questions or need additional copies of the required forms.
Forms can be mailed, faxed (to 303/776.8173), emailed, or left in the drop box next to the cloakroom entrance (this box is checked daily). We will email you to confirm receipt.
Thank you!