(Photos: Bloom! CSA pick up site and garlic growing in the Bloom! garden)

Our CSA farm, The Family Table Farm, will be delivering an unexpected Spring delight to CSA shareholders tomorrow: Garlic Scallions!

Garlic Scallions are the immature, pre-bulbous state, of garlic. Similar to garlic scapes (the yummy flowering shoot of the garlic plant), they infuse dishes with a mild, delicate flavor of garlic, and are very versatile and fun to cook with (they can be used in place of scallions or green onions in dishes).

The Family Table Farm will be using the garlic scallions to do a CSA delivery practice run. They will be delivered in reusable bags in a white cooler which will be placed on the back patio of the school. Next to the cooler, you will see a wooden crate labeled “CSA Bag Return.” If you have signed up to receive a CSA share, please find your bag, take your share home, and return your reusable bag to the CSA bag return the following day (the farm will collect them and reuse them).

Need some inspiration? Here are some suggestions:

Roasted Lemon and Garlic Scallion Herbed Pesto

by Rita Calvert

1/2 lemon washed and quartered
1 cup coarsely chopped garlic scallions (the white and tender green parts)
1/4 cup toasted walnuts
olive oil for tossing and 2/3 cup for sauce
2 T mixed herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary, anise)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Toss the lemons with olive oil and salt. Place on foil and roast on the top rack in the oven for 10 minutes. Add garlic scallions and roast 10 minutes more. Remove any remaining seeds and place the entire mixture (including whole lemons) in a food processor with the walnuts. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil, herbs, and salt and pepper to taste. Process until combined; do not puree.

Sauteed Greens and Salmon

by Rita Calvert

3/4 cup of garlic scallions (greens and white parts- thinly sliced)
10 cups of collard greens (stems cut off- sliced in ribbons)
1/4 cup of water
1 T olive oil
1 chili
1/4 cup dried raisins or cranberries
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
salmon fillets marinated in citrus vinaigrette

In a saute pan or wok, heat the oil and water over high heat. When boiling, add the scallions, greens, and chili. Steam saute for 4 minutes over high heat. Add fruit and salt and pepper to taste. Cook 2 minutes more, until water has evaporated. Cook salmon fillets to taste. Place salmon on the bed of greens and sprinkle with sunflower seeds.

Spring Herb Citrus Vinaigrette and Marinade

by Rita Clagett

1 T minced garlic scallions (green and white parts)
1-2 chilies
1/2 t sea salt
1/4 cup orange juice
1T lime juice
3 T white wine vinegar
1t honey
1T herbs (oregano, rosemary, thyme, anise)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 t ground pepper

Combine chilies, scallions, and salt to form a paste. Whisk in remaining ingredients (except olive oil). Add olive oil in a slow stream until emulsified.

On a less health conscious note…

Garlic Scallion Noodles

7 oz. skinny dry egg noodles
1/4 cup chopped garlic scallions
3 garlic cloves (finely minced)
2 T brown sugar
1 t fish sauce
1 t oyster sauce
3T butter

Soak noodles in cold water for 2 minutes. Drain. Soak in hot water for 3 minutes. Drain.

In a saute pan or wok, heat the butter over medium-low heat; add scallions and garlic. Fry slowly (do not let butter burn). Add remaining ingredients. Stir.

Add the drained noodles; fry for 2 minutes. Serve immediately.

Green Garlic and Leek Risotto

1 T butter
1 T olive oil
3 garlic scallions (thinly sliced)
1 leek (finely chopped)
1/2 t salt
1 1/2 cup Arborio rice
1/2 cup dry white wine
5 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan

In heavy, medium pot, heat butter and olive oil. Add garlic scallions, leek, and salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until tender- about 3 minutes. Add rice; cook until translucent (about 2 minutes). Add wine; cook until absorbed (about 2 minutes).

Stirring frequently, add 1 cup of simmering broth; cook until absorbed. Repeat by adding 1/2 cup of broth at a time, stirring constantly and waiting until the previous amount has been absorbed. Continue until rice is tender (but not mushy). Stir in Parmesan and serve immediately.

If you find a great use for your garlic scallions, feel free to post the recipe here!

For more information about the Family Table Farm, or to see what’s growing, please visit their website and blog at: https://www.thefamilytablefarm.com/