“Some foods begin as little seeds that farmers plant in Spring.
The seeds need water and the sun to do their growing thing.
A season later, fields are filled with veggies, fruits, and grains,
The farmer did the work, and we all get to say… Bon Appetit!”
Bon Appetit, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer

This afternoon marked a much anticipated summer moment- the first delivery of fresh carrots in the CSA share (in addition to numerous other tasty treats- including broccoli, snow peas, and some very beautiful beets)!
At the end of the day, the children went outside to play while I brought out the dishwashing station stocked with fresh water and the vegetable cleaning brushes. “What is that for?” inquired a visitor to the school. “You’ll see,” I got to respond with a smile.
Soon enough, the CSA share was delivered and the children raced to plunder the familiar yellow bags. With shrieks of delight they began scrubbing carrots and wandering around munching on them, long leafy stems dangling from their lips. When it was time to go home, they bargained for more to eat on the ride home. Thanks Farmer Mike!