Colorado’s spring weather is known to be unpredictable… beautiful sunny afternoons in the high 60’s juxtaposed with serious accumulations of snow and ice. So, it really isn’t that surprising that we spent Spring Break intermittently armed with both snow shovels and garden hoes.

We decided not to be deterred by fickle mother nature. Despite the snow on the ground, we went about the unglamorous work on the HVAC system (to prepare for summer’s warmer temperatures) and routine maintenance that we had planned.
The piece de resistance of our vacation work session was the garden! Josh built beautiful raised beds out of untreated fir, which surpassed what I had imagined (Josh likes to tease me by saying that I don’t have ideas, only plans).
He painted them a lovely shade of white.
We had purchased a yard of topsoil from the local landscaping company, but felt a little foolish when we turned over the dirt and were pleasantly surprised to find beautiful humus- light, dark, and full of worms (the former owner had told us that this part of the yard had been used as a garden). I even found four earth worm cocoons to share with the children!

We hope you had a great Spring Break!