Visit from the Butterfly Pavilion

This afternoon, the children were treated to one of the highlights of our summer arthropod unit, a visit from the Butterfly Pavilion. The Butterfly Pavilion has the distinction of being the nation’s first stand alone non-profit invertebrate zoo. It features more...

The Importance of the Outdoor Prepared Environment to the Life Sciences

This past week, the children discovered this little character living amongst the zucchini in our garden (perhaps this is one of the little praying mantis’s we hatched and released at the beginning of the summer?). Our animated guest was a good sport; he spent...

Field Trip to the Apiary in the Growing Gardens Children’s Peace Garden

“On an open lot, there’s a garden patch grown by children who live in the neighborhood.A sign on the garden’s gate says Children’s Garden Welcome!That means: Come in, please. Listen, see, smell, touch- even taste.”-In the Children’s...